Exchanges and Returns

Exchanges and Returns


If the customer wishes to return one or more items, they may do so within 14 days of receiving the order, as long as the products are intact, sealed, complete and within the original packaging, which cannot be damaged or altered. or crossed out.

To exercise their right to return, the customer must speak to us using existing contact details, specifying the order number, description or reference of the product(s) they wish to return and the form of refund they wish to receive.

The customer will also have to take into account whether the product they wish to return was purchased as part of a promotional campaign and whether, for that reason, they benefited from any product offering. If this is the case, you must return not only the product in question, but also the offer that was given to you with your purchase. Both products must comply with the previously mentioned guidelines.

It is only possible to return one pack in its entirety. If the customer wishes to return a product that belongs to a pack, they must return all products that make up that pack. All products must comply with the guidelines mentioned above.

The return of incomplete, damaged or scratched products, as well as products without the original packaging and/or label, or products showing signs of having been used, will not be accepted.


Exchanges are permitted within a maximum period of 14 working days from the date of receipt of the item, only if the product does not show any signs of use or damage. The return must be made in the original packaging or in the customer's packaging, as long as it contains all the products, taking into account that no refunds will be made for shipping costs.

If you wish to exchange or return products, please contact us via email at

Exchanges will be processed within a maximum period of 10 working days after receipt of the item.

Quinta Soham reserves the right not to refund a return if defects or inconsistencies are found in the products.

Order cancellation

If the order has not yet been shipped, simply inform us of your decision to cancel the order and we will refund the full amount paid.

If the order has already been sent, you will have to return it, under the conditions already described above. A full refund in the latter case will only be made if the order returns to us sealed and with no signs of use on the packaging. If the packaging is damaged, we will refund the total value of the order minus shipping costs.

In any case, return costs are the responsibility of the buyer.