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Connection Meetings

Connection Meetings

Regular price €15,00 EUR
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When we let go of the judgment we have about ourselves...we begin to love ourselves unconditionally.
When we stop fighting and resisting what we feel....we achieve inner peace .

To help you enter this deep process of healing, self-love and acceptance , I created a new event at Quinta Soham - * Connection Meetings .*

These meetings can take two different forms:
1 - I ask the group a question and anyone who feels like they want to speak can share for about 10 minutes.

2 - I ask the group a question and each person has 10 minutes to share what they feel about the question.

In both cases, I will always provide a few minutes of targeted coaching/guidance that will be shared with the entire group.

The entire event is based on compassion, kindness and unconditional acceptance of all emotions . There are no right or wrong emotions. Each person can open their heart to whatever degree they feel comfortable with. Everything shared in the circle will remain completely confidential.

Recommended for people who feel comfortable opening up emotionally and already have some experience receiving therapy/coaching or practicing meditation.

The event will take place in the "Círculo das Rochas" (fire pit area) at Quinta Soham , for 2 hours from 7pm to 9pm.
The event will have a * maximum capacity of 15 seats *.

The first date will be on Saturday, May 6th and will mark the official start of the events at Quinta Soham, which will undoubtedly be a moment of great emotion for me as it will also mark my rebirth as a Being in this life mission.

* Recommendations :*

- Bring a bottle of water and mosquito repellent
- Bring warm clothes (nights can be cold in the countryside) and comfortable clothes that can get dirty (if you want to interact with the animals)
- Bring a blanket to feel comfortable and protect you from the cold
- As we will be sitting on the rocks, bring a cushion to sit more comfortably.

* Program :*

6pm- start of reception and interaction with the animals (optional)
7pm- Start of the *Connection Meeting*
9pm – End of event

* Household :*
Estrada das Cardosas, n2, 2630-433 Cardosas, Arruda dos Vinhos

Google Maps

* Contribution :*

*Leave all your ties behind and come and receive my hug.*

With love and gratitude

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